कोरोना की वजह से 4 लोगों की मौत,पॉजिटिव रोगियों की तादाद बढ़कर 89 हुई,25 केस व एक मरने वाला डबवाली से भी

डबवाली न्यूज़ डेस्क
👉बेहद दुखद समाचार-: सिरसा जिले में कोरोना की वजह से एक के बाद एक करते हुए 4 लोगों की मौत हो गई, इस तरह से जिले में कोरोना से मरने वालों की संख्या बढ़कर 33 हो गई है।यह स्थिति गहन चिंताजनक है। इस बीच शुक्रवार दिनभर में कोरोना पॉजिटिव रोगियों की तादाद बढ़कर 89 हो गई है। सीएमओ डॉ सुरेंद्र नैन की ओर से जारी कोरोना की परत-दर-परत रिपोर्ट 👇
According to Cmo Dr Surender Nain: Patient 80 yrs male R/O new Housing board colony expired on 11.9.2020
Patient had injury due to fall and was taken to Jindal hospital Hisar. Further hewas shifted to another private hospital at Hisar where he was tested covid positive. While on treatment patient expired on 11.9.2020. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
Cmo Dr Surender Nain said second Patient 38 M R/O Kukkarthana expired on 10.9.2020.
Patient reported at Jindal hospital Hisar with complaints of Fever and breathlessness on 31.8.2020. Paient was found covid positive on 31.8.2020. Because of low Oxygen saturation, he was put on bipap on 1.9.2020. on 10.9.2020 patient had sudden cardiac arrest and despite all the efforts patient could not survive. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
Cmo Dr Surender Nain said that third Patient 70M r/o Dabwali expired on 11.9.2020
Patient was brought to CH sirsa with complaints of breathlessness and loss of appetite on 8.9.2020. Patient RTPCR sample was taken. On 9.9.2020 patient condition deteriorated and was referred to higher centre. On 10.9.2020 Patient was found covid positive. Patient was a known case of Diabetes, CAD and CHF. On 11.9.2020 Patient expired. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol. Cmo Dr Surender Nain said that fourth Patient 55M r/o Lakkarmandi expired on 11.9 2020
Patient was brought to CH sirsa with complaints of breathlessness. Patient RT PCR sample was taken and found covid positive on 11.9.2020. patient was a known case of chronic kidney disease. Despite all the efforts patient could not survive. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
According to Cmo Dr Surender Nain: On dated 11.9.2020 Evening
89 Patients reported positive
25 patients from M.dabwali
10 patients from Gaushala mohalla
2 patients from Chautala
3 patients from Aggarsain colony
3 patients from Chattargarh patti
22 M r/o ottu
36 F r/o thiraj
32 M r/o Bharu khera
25 F r/o Panniwala
19 M r/o B block
65 F r/o B block
32 M r/o parmarth colony
23 M r/o Kirti Nagar
22 M r/o Rania
59 M r/o court colony
46 M r/o Dhingtania
28 M r/o khairakan
40 F r/o jodhpuria
52 M r/o Kirti Nagar
62 M r/o sukhsagar colony
42 M r/o Civil hospital
41 M r/o Huda
58 M r/o Rania gate
50 M r/o Saraswati colony
40 M r/o Desumalkhana
42 M r/o Barnala road
20 F r/o odhan
38 M r)o Aggarsain colony
35 M r/o Gandhi colony
40 M r/o Nohria bazar
51 M r/o A block
26 M r/o gaushala mohalla
20 M r/o Rania chungi
61 F r/o Aggarsain colony
51 M r/o friends colony
38 M r/o Janta hospital
62 F r/o Huda
52 M r/o C block
41 M r/o Huda
26 F r/o hari Vishnu colony
30 M r/o rampura Dhillon
24 M r/o DC colony
62 F r/o Suratgarhia chownk
11 M r/o khairpur
63 F r/o preet nagar
55M r/o Sirsa
42 M r/ o kalanwali
80 M r/o Sirsa
38 M r/o Mochiwali
55 M r/o Lakad mandi
39 M r/o Huda
43 discharged today
4 expired today:
1.38 M r/o kukkarthana
2.80 M r/o Housing board colony
3.70 M r/o Dabwali
4.55 M r/o Lakarmandi
Total Positive Cases : 2176
Active : 731( 549 Home Isolation , 93 Admitted , 89 reported today)
Recovered : 1412
Death : 33
Sampling Data (Till 11.09.20)
RT-PCR : 41290
TruNAAT : 1300
Rapid Antigen : 11465
Total Samples : 54055
Awaited : 1234
According to Cmo Dr Surender Nain: Patient 80 yrs male R/O new Housing board colony expired on 11.9.2020
Patient had injury due to fall and was taken to Jindal hospital Hisar. Further hewas shifted to another private hospital at Hisar where he was tested covid positive. While on treatment patient expired on 11.9.2020. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
Cmo Dr Surender Nain said second Patient 38 M R/O Kukkarthana expired on 10.9.2020.
Patient reported at Jindal hospital Hisar with complaints of Fever and breathlessness on 31.8.2020. Paient was found covid positive on 31.8.2020. Because of low Oxygen saturation, he was put on bipap on 1.9.2020. on 10.9.2020 patient had sudden cardiac arrest and despite all the efforts patient could not survive. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
Cmo Dr Surender Nain said that third Patient 70M r/o Dabwali expired on 11.9.2020
Patient was brought to CH sirsa with complaints of breathlessness and loss of appetite on 8.9.2020. Patient RTPCR sample was taken. On 9.9.2020 patient condition deteriorated and was referred to higher centre. On 10.9.2020 Patient was found covid positive. Patient was a known case of Diabetes, CAD and CHF. On 11.9.2020 Patient expired. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol. Cmo Dr Surender Nain said that fourth Patient 55M r/o Lakkarmandi expired on 11.9 2020
Patient was brought to CH sirsa with complaints of breathlessness. Patient RT PCR sample was taken and found covid positive on 11.9.2020. patient was a known case of chronic kidney disease. Despite all the efforts patient could not survive. Further management of cremation will be done as per protocol.
According to Cmo Dr Surender Nain: On dated 11.9.2020 Evening
89 Patients reported positive
25 patients from M.dabwali
10 patients from Gaushala mohalla
2 patients from Chautala
3 patients from Aggarsain colony
3 patients from Chattargarh patti
22 M r/o ottu
36 F r/o thiraj
32 M r/o Bharu khera
25 F r/o Panniwala
19 M r/o B block
65 F r/o B block
32 M r/o parmarth colony
23 M r/o Kirti Nagar
22 M r/o Rania
59 M r/o court colony
46 M r/o Dhingtania
28 M r/o khairakan
40 F r/o jodhpuria
52 M r/o Kirti Nagar
62 M r/o sukhsagar colony
42 M r/o Civil hospital
41 M r/o Huda
58 M r/o Rania gate
50 M r/o Saraswati colony
40 M r/o Desumalkhana
42 M r/o Barnala road
20 F r/o odhan
38 M r)o Aggarsain colony
35 M r/o Gandhi colony
40 M r/o Nohria bazar
51 M r/o A block
26 M r/o gaushala mohalla
20 M r/o Rania chungi
61 F r/o Aggarsain colony
51 M r/o friends colony
38 M r/o Janta hospital
62 F r/o Huda
52 M r/o C block
41 M r/o Huda
26 F r/o hari Vishnu colony
30 M r/o rampura Dhillon
24 M r/o DC colony
62 F r/o Suratgarhia chownk
11 M r/o khairpur
63 F r/o preet nagar
55M r/o Sirsa
42 M r/ o kalanwali
80 M r/o Sirsa
38 M r/o Mochiwali
55 M r/o Lakad mandi
39 M r/o Huda
43 discharged today
4 expired today:
1.38 M r/o kukkarthana
2.80 M r/o Housing board colony
3.70 M r/o Dabwali
4.55 M r/o Lakarmandi
Total Positive Cases : 2176
Active : 731( 549 Home Isolation , 93 Admitted , 89 reported today)
Recovered : 1412
Death : 33
Sampling Data (Till 11.09.20)
RT-PCR : 41290
TruNAAT : 1300
Rapid Antigen : 11465
Total Samples : 54055
Awaited : 1234
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कोरोना की वजह से 4 लोगों की मौत,पॉजिटिव रोगियों की तादाद बढ़कर 89 हुई,25 केस व एक मरने वाला डबवाली से भी
Reviewed by Dabwali News
7:15:00 PM
Rating: 5

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